Catechism Books

Heidelberg Catechism

To gain an excellent understanding of salvation by faith in Jesus Christ, read either the Heidelberg Catechism Study book or the Westminster Shorter catechism book.

Both are written by G. I Williamson and can be ordered from P&R Publishing Company in Phillipsburg N. J.

The Heidleberg Catechism

The Heidelberg Catechism

The Heidelberg Catechism is one of the finest creeds of the reformation period. A faithful teacher of millions, it has stood the test of time and is still, today, one of the best tools available for learning what it means to be a Christian. This study guide to the Catechism includes 129 questions and answers, along with clear exposition and questions for review, further study, and discussion.

Shorter Catechism

The Westminster Shorter Catechism

The Westminster Shorter Catechism is unrivaled as a concise and faithful summary of the central teachings of Scripture. For decades G. I. Williamson’s study manuals on the Shorter Catechism have served as invaluable tools for instructing young and old in the Reformed system of doctrine.

The Heidelburg Catechism
G.I. Williamson

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