The Intermediate State

The Intermediate State

This sermon is very important because it helps us understand that being born again is, in reality, the first resurrection. Those who are born again do not have to fear the second death.

Chosen in Christ

Chosen in Christ

The Apostle's Creed is one of the oldest creeds of Christianity and is one of the first creeds.  The first statement of faith is " I Believe in God the Father Almighty."   How almighty is God? In this sermon Rev. Williamson shows us that God is Almighty enough to...

Covenant Baptism

Covenant Baptism

This is an excellent sermon for those struggling to understand God's Covenant.

The Two Religions

The Two Religions

Of course there are hundreds of religions, but Williamson is referring to the true religion and the false religion. Joel talks about the faith that was once delivered to the saints. This is the true faith that does not change. The practice of religion has been...

The Need for Catechism

The Need for Catechism

In this Sermon, The Need for Catechism, Rev. G. I. Williamson explains how He came to have such an intense appreciation of the Reformed Faith. And also shows that he has an extremely good knowledge of the original languages and he has excellent knowledge of the...

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