Resources and Printables

Here you will find some free resources that you can print and share with others.


Our Invitation Handout

In our effort to bring about a great Reformation, we need to reach as many people as possible. 

For those who share our desire to bring about a Reformation and to reach those who aren’t on social media, we have the Informational Handout. 

There are so many different types of printers, so I won’t try to explain how to print them. Other than ideally, when the folded Handout is unfolded with the arrows pointing up, it opens with “It’s a shame” at the top of the page. 

The Lord's Day Invite

Heidelburg Catechism Compendium

For those of you who are not familiar with the Reformed Faith, but are interested in knowing about it. “The Compendium of the Christian Religion” is an easy way to do that. It is a very abbreviated form of the Heidelberg Catechism.

Below is a button to download a PDF for emailing to people on your contact list.

If you prefer to print, please use the appropriate file type. We have the front and back pages separated out for easier printing on printer that do not duplex (print on both sides of paper). 


Know the Truth Booklet

The Know the Truth Bible study book was written to give some questions and answers from both the Heidelberg and the Westminster Catechisms to try to help people understand the Reformed Faith and encourage people to try to keep The Lord’s Day holy.

It is offered in PDF for mailing on email.

For printing follow the instruction above. Please note you will need to print the front page cover separately.

Know the Truth Download

Additional Resources

Our Triune God

Our Triune God

How important is the Lord's day to the Triune God? The first words in the Bible are "In the beginning God created the heavens and earth. Time began on the first day of creation but the Triune God has always existed. Ephesians 1:2-6 says, "Blessed be the God and Father...

Why Sin?

Why Sin?

If the first question and answer of the Westminster shorter catechism is correct, that the chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. If Adam and Eve had been created in the garden and had not sinned they would have been promised eternal life. But human...

The Canons of Dort

The Canons of Dort

THE CANONS OF DORT(THE DECISION OF THE SYNOD OF DORT ON THE FIVE MAIN POINTS OF DOCTRINE IN DISPUTE IN THE NETHERLANDS) All Christians in our country should know the difference between the Reformed Faith and Arminianism. Below are eight sermons of a series preached by...

The Intermediate State

The Intermediate State

This sermon is very important because it helps us understand that being born again is, in reality, the first resurrection. Those who are born again do not have to fear the second death.

Chosen in Christ

Chosen in Christ

The Apostle's Creed is one of the oldest creeds of Christianity and is one of the first creeds.  The first statement of faith is " I Believe in God the Father Almighty."   How almighty is God? In this sermon Rev. Williamson shows us that God is Almighty enough to...

Covenant Baptism

Covenant Baptism

This is an excellent sermon for those struggling to understand God's Covenant.

The Two Religions

The Two Religions

Of course there are hundreds of religions, but Williamson is referring to the true religion and the false religion. Joel talks about the faith that was once delivered to the saints. This is the true faith that does not change. The practice of religion has been...

The Christian Faith

The Christian Faith

Did you read this verse? Is this verse the word of God? Does God work everything in conformity with the purpose of His will? Are you a Christian? If you are a Christian, Why are you a Christian? This verse claims that God has a plan. What do you think is the purpose...

The Need for Catechism

The Need for Catechism

In this Sermon, The Need for Catechism, Rev. G. I. Williamson explains how He came to have such an intense appreciation of the Reformed Faith. And also shows that he has an extremely good knowledge of the original languages and he has excellent knowledge of the...

The Lord’s Day

The Lord’s Day

If what I wrote in my post, The Christian Faith, is true, that God has planned from before the foundation of the world. That we should be “( holy and without blame before Him in love ) and that we were chosen ( according to the good pleasure of His will, to the praise...