Understanding the Times 2

P51A Gracious Renewal and Testimony - Hymn At this time in history, the Church needs its heart renewed. Romans 10: 13-17 says, "For whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved," How shall they call on the Lord of whom they have not heard, and who shall hear...

Understanding the Times 1

P38 In Thy Wrath And Hot Displeasure - Hymn To me it almost sounds like this sermon was prepared for the time we are living in. So I want to have you read this passage from Scripture "But what does it say " The Word is near you, in your mouse and in your heart." (the...

You and Your Household

P25B Lord, I Lift My Soul to Thee - Hymn I want you to think about the similarity between Matthew 28: 19-20, "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to observe all...

Taking God’s Name in Vain

P8 Lord, Our Lord, Thy Glorious Name - Hymn I know that I have to be careful when I sing Hymns and Psalms that really think about the deep spiritual meaning of God's names when I sing Psalms.

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