Resources and Printables

Here you will find some free resources that you can print and share with others.


Our Invitation Handout

In our effort to bring about a great Reformation, we need to reach as many people as possible. 

For those who share our desire to bring about a Reformation and to reach those who aren’t on social media, we have the Informational Handout. 

There are so many different types of printers, so I won’t try to explain how to print them. Other than ideally, when the folded Handout is unfolded with the arrows pointing up, it opens with “It’s a shame” at the top of the page. 

The Lord's Day Invite

Heidelburg Catechism Compendium

For those of you who are not familiar with the Reformed Faith, but are interested in knowing about it. “The Compendium of the Christian Religion” is an easy way to do that. It is a very abbreviated form of the Heidelberg Catechism.

Below is a button to download a PDF for emailing to people on your contact list.

If you prefer to print, please use the appropriate file type. We have the front and back pages separated out for easier printing on printer that do not duplex (print on both sides of paper). 


Know the Truth Booklet

The Know the Truth Bible study book was written to give some questions and answers from both the Heidelberg and the Westminster Catechisms to try to help people understand the Reformed Faith and encourage people to try to keep The Lord’s Day holy.

It is offered in PDF for mailing on email.

For printing follow the instruction above. Please note you will need to print the front page cover separately.

Know the Truth Download

Additional Resources

Putting First Things First

Psalm 115 Not Unto Us, O God of Heaven - Hymn 1 John 1: 1-7, "That which was from the beginning, which we have heard with our ears, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled concerning, concerning the Word of Life, the...

Tradition or Scripture?

Psalm 65 C. Praise Waits for Thee in Zion - Hymn Mark 7 : 1-13, "Then the Pharisees and some scribes came together to Him, having come from Jerusalem. Now when they saw some of His disciples eat bread without washing their hands. For the Pharisees and all of...

Declension and it’s Antidote

P115B Not Unto Us. O Lord of Heaven - Hymn Colossians 2: 6, "As you therefor have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in the light as he is in the light." 3:4 "When Christ who is our life appears we shall see Him as He is."

What are you Seeking?

P53 Fools in Their Hearts Have Said - Hymn The situation in the Northern tribes of Israel were about like the situation in the church in the U .S .A At this time in history. Jeremiah gave messages to give to the people of Israel, but the people of Israel wouldn't...

Maintaining a True Church

P127 Unless The Lord Builds Up the House - Hymn To me it seems like Rev. Williamson has miss named this sermon. I think the title of this sermon should be Civil Leaders Should Not Control The Church.

False Conceptions of the Gospel

P51 Pardon and Testimony - Hymn Romans 3: 20  No man can justify himself before God by a perfect performance of the Law's demands--indeed it is the straight-edge of the Law that shows us how crooked we are. ... For by the deeds of the law, no flesh shall be justified...

The Mind of Christ

P95A O, Come Before Our Lord And King - Hymn We are not told in the New Testament what Jesus thought about the things that were happening to Him. But many Psalms do tell about the thoughts that Jesus had.

Our Confessional Heritage

P95A O, Come Before Our Lord And King - Hymn This is more of a lecture than a Sermon, This Lecture will help you understand why Rev. G. I. Williamson was so dedicated to doing such a complete job of teaching the Reformed Faith.

The Mystery of Iniquity

P102B Thou O Lord, Art God Alone - Hymn Make sure that you listen to this sermon. You probably should listen to it three times. Listen to this sermon and think about what is happening in the U. S. A today.

The Vital Importance of Catechetical Teaching

P102B Thou O Lord, Art God Alone - Hymn The Bible is a large book, I believe that because the Bible, the inspired Word of God, was originally written at a different time in world history and in different original languages, that extreme care should be taken that...